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Low Carb Crack Green Beans + Sukrin Review

I've always been a lover of all things sweet and these low carb crack green beans are the perfect mix of sweet and savory! Sukrin products bring low carb/keto-friendly sweeteners to the next level!

low carb green beans with bacon and sukrin gold

When I first started doing keto/low carb it didn't seem too difficult to drop the sugar because I was so excited by all the cheese, loaded taco salads and grilled buffalo chicken I was enjoying.

Avoiding sugar substitutes most of the time was easy... I would give into a little sugar free jello if I did get a craving.

But my real struggle came with holidays and birthdays!

As much as I don't want food to define special moments, there's just something about Christmas cookies, a slice of birthday cake or chocolates on Valentines day that's normal and comforting to me.

Rather than struggle with guilt and jumping on and off the keto wagon, I found a sweetnener I liked, erythritol, and used that in a lot of my sweet goods.

It was great except for this strong cooling after taste, which to me, really took away from things like cookies.

For a few months I had my eyes on Sukrin Gold, a zero calorie keto friendly sweetener that mimics brown sugar, but I  never got around to ordering it.

Fast forward a few months and the awesome people at Sukrin send me an amazing box of goodies to try and share the experience with you all.

Here's what I love about Sukrin so far.


Virtually No Aftertaste 

In the spirit of all things chocolate, the first thing I tried were the Sukrin chocolate bars.

Literally, amazing. I promise you.

I've tried protein bars and the like searching for a chocolate replacement, but never before had I found something that I wanted to eat that truly tasted like just milk chocolate.

When the box came in the mail, I also sampled the products by themselves to get an idea of their natural taste.

Powdered Sukrin, regular sugar replacement, and syrups... still no after taste. You still get a little bit of that cooling taste, but it's not quite as strong.

This makes a big difference for me when it comes to baking because those after tastes can be very strong to me.


I was especially intrigued by the syrups in the box. I was really excited to try the dark syrup on waffles and...


It reminds me a little of honey on a pancake syrup. Not an overwhelming taste, which is good, but definitely a nice treat.

Since Sukrin doesn't have an apparent after taste to me, the powdered Sukrin has me REALLY excited to make a cake with keto buttercream frosting and have it taste like real frosting.

It would also be perfect for sprinkling on top of sweet goodies or using in homemade whipped cream.


I think Sukrin has some seriously unique products. The quality alone makes it stand out above the other sweeteners I've tried. And the syrups and Sukrin Gold get me extra excited.

Sukrin Gold is basically brown sugar that's low carb friendly.

I've always been a lover of all things sweet and these low carb crack green beans are the perfect mix of sweet and savory! Sukrin products bring low carb/keto-friendly sweeteners to the next level! |

BROWN SUGAR, PEOPLE. Do you know what this means for baking?

Brown sugar adds a depth to many recipes that I've been missing or had to use multiple ingredients in an attempt to replicate (BBQ sauce, baked goods, etc).

Sukrin Gold tastes like brown sugar, albeit not as crazy sweet, and even holds the same form as brown sugar meaning you can pack it down.

Since comfort food season is underway, I decided to try it out in a sweet green bean recipe.

This recipe is super simple, and only requires a few cans of beans, Sukrin Gold, pinch of salt and baconnnnnnn.

I've always been a lover of all things sweet and these low carb crack green beans are the perfect mix of sweet and savory! Sukrin products bring low carb/keto-friendly sweeteners to the next level! |
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Low Carb Crack Green Beans

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5 from 1 review

  • Author: Hey Keto Mama


Keto and Low Carb Friendly brown sugar and bacon green beans


  • 2-3 cans green beans
  • ⅓ cup Sukrin Gold
  • 4 tbsp butter
  • 6 slices bacon
  • Seasoning, to taste


  1. Cook bacon, chop into pieces and set aside
  2. In baking dish add green beans
  3. Melt butter and mix with Sukrin Gold, pour mixture over green beans
  4. Bake for 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees until heated through and bubbling
  5. Turn off oven and add chopped bacon to top
  6. Let sit in oven additional 5 minutes to rewarm bacon

*Full Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

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Thursday 1st of December 2016

I really like Green Beans and when I found your article I did not wait long to try the recipes Low Carb Green Beans Crack. It is easy to cook and we became very fond of it

thanks for sharing

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